April 20th is Family Science Night at Memorial School

Family Science Night
Wednesday April 20,2016
5:30PM – 7:00 PM
Cost $5.00 per Student

This will be an entertaining and educational night your child can participate in. It is not every often students and their parents get to experience a fun night out doing activities together and keeping all the experiments.
Here are just some of the many unique benefits of attending:
  • The event is action packed, humorous and very fun filled
  • Up to 8 hands-on experiments that are quality make and take home projects
  • The cost is only $5.00 per student with parents free
  • Visit www.topsecretscience.com for lots of information
If you wish to attend, please fill out the form below and return it with a $5.00 payment with your child by Friday, April 15. Please fill out and return 1 form for each child attending.

Student Name:____________________________________________
Grade Level:______________________________________________