School Spirit Day, November 22nd

Show your school spirit on Tuesday, November 22nd by participating in Wacky Hat/Wacky Hair day.

Hats can be tall, hats can be small.
Hats can be any size at all.

Hats can be boring, all plain, and cause snoring,
or hats can be CRAZY,
C'mon, don't be lazy!

Tuesday is hat day, it's time to dress up:
Add baubles, and bangles, and pictures of pups.

Add whoozles and whirligigs,
balloons and medallions,
clip on foxes, or boxes, or miniature stallions.

Hats with tails will do nicely, or faces, or fur,
Whose will be the craziest? No one knows for sure!

Don't forget that on Tuesday, it's your turn for fun,
your head needs something silly, as it hides from the sun.

If hats aren't your thing, why then, don't hesitate,
to join in the fun, with CRAZY HAIR... don't be late!

Add color and sparkle, or spike it up big,
Turn it into a nest, find a bird, and a twig,

Use ribbons or gel,  maybe balloons or some toys,
Turn your hair into a marvel,
CRAZY HAT and HAIR DAY is for all girls and boys!

See you and your crazy hair or hats on Tuesday, Memorial Friends!